Friday, February 5, 2010

One project a year

So, I am reading Linchpin by Seth Godin and one point he refers to (he is actually referencing another writer) is to focus on one great work per year.
I have historically done that. Sometimes it is tempting to get side tracked into working in various areas and actually getting nothing done. This year, I am focusing on Danger guild right now, a Grimaul Graphic novel next and the second Warchitect novel after that. Maybe I will get to all of that in a year. There are some side them stretch goals...that I will work on if time permits.
I guess the first challenge though is not to limit one's self to just a single project. The first challenge is to work on a project at all.
There are so many distractions we can indulge in. Some are obvious time wasters, like Reality Television. Some are not as obvious, like checking email and facebook fanatically.
Seth talks about an internet diet where he only allows himself to check his internet stuff (email, FB, blog, etc) 5 times a day.
Of course we all need R&R and we all need some guilty pleasures (like Dog The Bounty Hunter) but at the end of the day, we only have a finite amount of time. We need to spend it wisely! Putting off writing or exercise to catch a Burn Notice marathon might not be the wisest move.

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