Saturday, September 3, 2016

Getting back up

Chilling at my favorite pub (Saints and Scholars, Raleigh, NC) and reflecting on how I got here (not to the pub, to this place in life). There were some turmoil years just after "The Battle of Caerlon" was released. Unfortunately, I let it kill my Big Mo (momentum). I never stopped writing but progress slowed to a crawl and publishing, interacting with folks, all that disappeared.
But I'm finally at a place where I have slowed down the race a bit, took stock of where I am, and begun the recovery.
What better way than to release a new book (The Warchitect), but it won't stop there. The next book in the Pendragon Chronicles is complete and being edited. The Forsaken is being polished up and Return To Glory (my first love) is about to get a complete reboot (since reboots seem to be the rage these days). I'm moving on the the third book in The Pendragon Chronicles (working title: White Ghost), a sequel to Warchitect and a couple of other new projects that are in their infancy.
It feels good to be back in the game some. I have a partner who supports it and more time to work on my art than ever before.
So I guess the moral, or at least what I have learned, is that it's okay to get knocked down. Just get back up. Keep getting back up.
How does the Japanese proverb go? Get knocked down seven times and get up eight.
Close enough for me :)


  1. Send me some press stuff, I will cover you in an upcoming issue of SIX STRINGS...


  2. Will do! Happy to cross promote as well. Love the site!
